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CCS teaches online, 2020,4,12

Cambridge Chinese School will start teaching online from 19th April.
For detailed information, please contact:

School closed, 2020,4,1

Cambridge Chinese School will be re-open after the UK government has removed the current restrictions and regular schools have re-opened. Please check this website regularly for further information regarding the re-opening of CCS.

The lessons in March are cancelled


鉴于目前英国的新型冠状病毒的传播趋势加剧, 剑桥中文学校综合考虑了目前的疫情发展,已学生和教职员工的健康安全为先的目的, 决定暂停本学期余下的所有课程(8/3, 15/3,22/3,29/3)。

老师会把相关课件的网站链接发给每一位家长。 课件包括:课文带读, 生字词讲解,笔划笔顺的讲解和句型语法的讲解。 希望每位家长能与孩子每天花30分钟使用课件坚持学习中文。







The school will open on 23rd February.

Cancellation of Lessons until 23rd February

Dear Parents, students and teachers,
Following the recent news regarding the coronavirus, and the feedback from parents and teachers, Cambridge Chinese School has decided to cancel our school lessons until Sunday, 23rd February as a precaution against the possible spread of the virus. Fees for the cancelled lessons will be transferred to next term. Please view our website for an updated announcement. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by this cancellation, and many thanks for your understanding and support for CCS.

Wuhan novel coronavirus: information for the public / 武汉新型冠状病毒:公众信息

How to avoid spreading a cold

Colds are caused by viruses and easily spread to other people. You're infectious until all your symptoms have gone. This usually takes a week or two.

Colds are spread by germs from coughs and sneezes, which can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours.

To reduce the risk of spreading a cold:

Wash your hands often with warm water and soap;

Use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze;

Bin used tissues as quickly as possible.

How to prevent catching a cold

A person with a cold can start spreading it from a few days before their symptoms begin until the symptoms have finished.

The best ways to avoid catching a cold are:

Washing your hands with warm water and soap;

Not sharing towels or household items (like cups) with someone who has a cold;

Not touching your eyes or nose in case you have come into contact with the virus – it can infect the body this way;

Staying fit and healthy;

The flu vaccine helps prevent flu but not colds.

The Celebration of the Year of the Rat and Lessons on 26th January Cancelled


众所周知,目前武汉的新型肺炎疫情仍在传播。为了大家的安全,教委会临时决定,取消明天1月26日剑桥中文学校的活动和上课。 请各位老师和家长互相通知,并等待恢复上课的通知。敬请关注我们的网页。 希望大家谅解。

Owing to the news of the outbreak of coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the Cambridge Chinese School has cancelled lessons and the celebration of the Year of the Rat that were due to be held on Sunday, 26th January, for the safety of the public.

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please check our website for further announcements.

We wish you a Happy Year of the Rat!

CCS Committee

School Library 2020,1,5


在读书角的活动中,马骥老师热情地给学生们讲故事并志愿做学校的图书角管理员。感谢所有在各方面支持剑桥中文学校的同仁, 感谢李炳南先生一如既往鼎力支持剑桥中文学校。  

李炳南先生十分感謝卫校長,瑋瑤和老師們在中文学校建立的圖書角,也感謝 Maggie Ma 老師, 為小朋友们創辨一項很有意义的活動。  


通知 2019,12,15

从下学期开始,交付学费可以通过网上转账。请参阅 Tuition Fees and Payment 内容。

From next term, the payment can be accepted by bank transfer. Please read details in Tuition Fee and Payment section.

剑桥中文学校秋季学期已在上周日(12月8日)结束。同学们完成了一个学期的紧张学习。其中,68%的同学在期末考试中取得了优异的成绩并获取了 成绩优异证书!在此,剑桥中文学校校委会祝老师们家长们同学们圣诞快乐,新年进步!

The Cambridge Chinese School (CCS)autumn term finished on 8th December. All the students worked hard to learn Chinese. Among them, 68% of the students obtained distinction level and certification. Congratulations to the teachers, students and parents. CCS committee wishes you a very happy Christmas and hope you will make great progress in the coming year!

CCS Committee

Newsletter 2019,12,31

Safeguarding training

As we feel the chill of the typical British winter approaching, our teachers are still passionately advancing their professional knowledge and skills and setting an example as life-long learners to our students.

On Sunday, 10th November, after two hours of intensive teaching in CCS, our teachers undertook 3 hours of safeguarding training. Ten teachers attended the training. This event will provide us with knowledge and skills concerning safety in our future school management and enables us to remain up-to-date with the child protection and safeguarding guidance and legislation of the UK government.

Mr Feig gives the teachers their safeguarding training.

Mr Blake Feig, the head of Welfare at CATS Cambridge College, has over 10 years of experience in helping with extremely vulnerable young people for Cambridge city council.

Photos of some exam papers

What is the most difficult part of learning Chinese? Many may say: writing Chinese characters!

Our young learners prove that writing in Chinese is not so hard after all, even under the time pressure of exam conditions!

Seeing is believing:

More Events

Newsletter 2019,11,1
