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Recital of Chinese Poetries
at Moon Festival

5th October 2020

At 0:00 by Cindy; at 2:10 by Evan


15th September 2020

Recital of Moon Festival poetry

Students are invited to join the recital of Chinese poetry for Moon Festival. You can record your reading and save it as an MP3 file, and email it to:


The deadline is 28th September.

We will post the best recitals on our website in October.


8th September 2020

在过去五个月的疫情期间,剑桥中文学校坚持网上教学,小朋友们在家长和老师的鼓励和引导下,学习中文的热情不减。请大家欣赏 6岁的 E H 小朋友写的充满幻想和童趣的小作文。欢迎其他小朋友踊跃参加中文学校举办的活动。看看下次的中文学校网站是否会刊登出你的作品。 努力吧!


作者:E.H. 6岁






Student's Writing

8th September 2020

In the last 5 months, CCS has been continuing with teaching online. Our pupils were enthusiastic in leaning Mandarin with the support of parents and teachers. Now, let us read a little story which was written by 6-year-old student, E. H. The story has a wondering and childlike dreaming quality. We welcome our students to take part in the school events. Next time, your writing may appear on the school website. Come on!

Quiet Night

Student: E.H (6 years old)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lili. When she was sleeping, she heard a sound. She got up. She saw a book. Lili then read the book, but the book was knocked away by a hand. It was a skeleton’s hand!

Lili ran quickly outside. Then she climbed up a tree, she threw an apple at the head of the skeleton. Then she picked up the book and ran back home.

(She) read the book for a while and went back to sleep.

The skeleton was frightened away.


Newsletter 2019,12,31-2020,4,12

Newsletter 2019,11,1
